Filter Changes
Changing your filters is easy to skip, but it’s important for keeping your car in great shape. How do you know you need a filter changed? These are some common filters and issues you may see:
Air Filter
The air filter cleans the air used in your engine. A clogged air filter with result in:
Poor gas mileage
A sluggish engine
Loud noises coming from the engine
The check engine light coming on
Reduced power
Black smoke in the exhaust
An intense fuel odor around the car
Oil Filter
The oil filter is replaced with every oil change. Signs of an oil filter in need of replacement include:
Your engine overheats more often than not
Your car’s performance drops
Your exhaust fumes look cloudy
Your oil pressure drops
Fuel Filters
This filters your gasoline and must be regularly replaced. These are some signs of a faulty fuel filter:
The car doesn’t start right away
The car doesn’t accelerate properly
Sputtering at low speeds
Stalling or heavy idling
A strong odor in the exhaust
The engine misfires