Transmission Repairs
When your transmission is in need of repair, your vehicle’s performance suffers and it can even result in a dangerous situation.
We’re well-versed in transmission problems. If your car isn’t working as well as it used to, it may be your transmission giving you trouble. Some of things that may indicate a transmission issue include:
Irregular or unpredictable shifting
The gear shift shakes
The gears slip out of place
A heavy or dragging clutch pedal
Loud noises accompanying gear changes
The check engine light is on
The smell of burnt transmission fluid
Low transmission fluid levels
Leaking fluid on your driveway or parking space
Drop in gas mileage
Any odd noises
Difficulty getting up to speed on the highway or hills
If you encounter any of these issues, or your car just feels off, bring it in to Auto Correct. Our ASE-certified technicians will make sure that your vehicle is safe and operating at its optimal performance level. We work on all makes and models, and offer free second opinions.